Thursday, November 25, 2010

First Chair, Last Call

Whistler Sent.

Stoke---- my last day on my board was closing day in Whistler, so it felt pretty damn good to strap in opening day. AM I DREAMING?! 
I was in good company of my best friends, and insanely high.. on life! It still amazes me how everything in your life, falls away.. and its just you and the mountain. Not a worry in the sky. 
I traveled with the Free Ride Team, and met up with the Edmonton crew in Whistler. There are very few times of the year where i can just be surrounded in that environment with the ones i love, and did it ever feel goooooood. SNOW SNOW SNOW, & more snow.  I rode all 3 days ( i have no idea physically how i kept up with myself. Drinking Pabst, watching snowboard movies, and dancing daddy's or whatever the hell Corely's dance is. I just had the best weekend ever, and i have my friends to thank!!! :) U all make me smile!

I wanted more pics on the mountain, but i could not stay warm enough to take off my gloves, so i took a few shots with the point n shoot, they turned out decent. enough to capture what i was seeing and feeling at least. 

So, that's my first blog.
the entire trip was a good story... Whistler is epic shit, i can see why no one wants to leave. 

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